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INCITS/ISO/IEC TR 29794-4 2010 Edition, September 29, 2010 Information technology - Biometric Sample Quality - Part 4: Finger image data (Technical Report)

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Description / Abstract: For aspects of quality specific to the finger image modality, this part of ISO/IEC 29794:

⎯ specifies terms and definitions that are useful in the specification, use, and test of finger image quality metrics;

⎯ defines the interpretation of finger image quality scores;

⎯ identifies or defines finger image corpora for the purpose of serving as information for algorithm developers and users;

⎯ develops statistical methodologies specific to finger image corpora for characterizing quality metrics to facilitate interpretation of scores and their relation to matching performance.

Performance assessment of quality algorithms and standardization of quality algorithms are outside the scope of this part of ISO/IEC 29794.